There are about 200 countries in the world. You can probably identify some countries by their continents. You may also know some of the capitals. But what about recognising countries by their outline? With Worldle, you can guess the correct names of the countries of the world using only their outlines. You have 6 attempts.

To make it easier, you will be given hints, such as the direction of the compass or the distance between your guess and the country you are looking for. There are also some bonus levels where you can guess neighbouring countries, capitals, national flags, official languages, populations, currencies, etc. Worldle is a fun way to improve your geographical knowledge. You can guess a new country every day.

How does Worldle work?


Look at the image of the country you are looking for. Enter your guess in the input box and click the search button.


If you have not guessed the country you are looking for on the first try, look at the information in the table to see in which direction to look and how many kilometres your guess is from the country you are looking for. The percentage display shows how far away you are from your destination in percentage terms. The higher the percentage, the closer you are to the country you are looking for.


You have 6 attempts to find the correct country.


If you are an experienced Worldle player, you can randomly rotate the country image in the game settings to increase the difficulty level.

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