Do you need help finding the solution? Try our Wordle Solver.

Wordle is a word puzzle game where the aim is to guess a 5-letter word in a maximum of 6 attempts. Each attempt must be a valid word and after each attempt there is feedback in the form of different coloured tiles.

- Green means a letter is correct and in the right place.

- Yellow indicates that a letter is present in the word but is currently in the wrong position.

- Grey means the letter is not in the word.

How does Wordle work?

1) Enter a valid word of 5 letters or more in the input box and click the 'Enter' button.

2) The letters in your word are now displayed in different colours. Green means the letter is correct and in the right place, yellow means the letter is in the target word but in the wrong place, and grey means the letter is not in the target word.

3) Using this feedback, you can now determine and type the next word. The trick is to further narrow down the possible words that match the previous feedback.

4) You have a total of 6 attempts to guess the correct word. The aim is to guess the word in as few attempts as possible.

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